Monday, April 19, 2021

How photodisintegration works?

 Let's take a break and watch this video regarding photodisintegration x-ray! :D 

Highlight: A carbon-12 atom is photodisintegrated into three alpha particles by a high-energy x-ray photon.

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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Photodisintegration in a core-collapsed supernova


When a high-energy photon is absorbed by an atomic nucleus, photodisintegration occurs. A neutron, proton, or alpha particle is released as the nucleus divides to form lighter elements. 

Photodisintegration breaks up iron nuclei into helium nuclei and neutrons during a supernova's core collapse, undoing hundreds of thousands of years of nuclear fusion.

γ + 56Fe → 134He + 4n

Via photodisintegration, these helium nuclei are split into protons and neutrons, the fundamental basic components of elements.

γ + 4He → 2p+ + 2n

Friday, April 16, 2021


  • Photodisintegration, also called Phototransmutation, in physics, a nuclear reaction in which the absorption of high-energy electromagnetic radiation (a gamma-ray photon)
  • It causes the absorbing nucleus to change to another species by ejecting a subatomic particle, such as a proton, neutron, or alpha particle.
  • For example, magnesium-25, upon absorbing a photon of sufficient energy, emits a proton and becomes sodium-24. Photodisintegration differs from the nuclear reaction photofission, in which a nucleus, upon absorbing a photon, splits into two fragments of nearly equal mass.